Diversified Recruitment
Diversified Recruitment focuses on our customers most important goal, finding the best candidate.
In order to find the best candidate we have honed our recruiting practices to be as equal and non-discriminating as possible. By doing this we reach a multitude of different groups and thus also people that would normally go neglected or unnoticed.
We work closely with different stakeholders, which enables us to reach the largest possible sample of candidates.
We have developed non-discriminating ways of recruiting so that unnecessary factors wont play into our recruitment decisions. Trough these practices we are able to offer candidates from the largest possible pool tailored for you, without letting discriminatory factors affect our decision making.
A few examples of our discrimination free practices:
1. We write our job applications in a way that attracts as many different applicants as possible, for example a long list of requirements usually decreases the amount of female applicants.
2. We monitor the demographics of our job posting sites so we know our ads are visible to as many people as possible.
3. Anonymous Recruitment: We conduct pre-qualification of job seekers without knowing their name, gender, ethnic background, nationality, religion or socio-economic background.
4. We decide on the candidates to be presented to our clients in a group in order to limit the bias from one single person
5. We standardize the curriculum vitae of our candidates for both ease of overview for our clients, and in order to omit unnecessary factors